Benefits of Interactive 3D Property Content for CX and Business

residential property visualiser

August 14, 2024

Author: Nathan Millar

Content for complicated physical structures such as property developments can be immense, a large residential village development project may have up to 4 PDF’s with up to 20 pages of content for a stakeholder to read through. A council may have up to 50 pages of content on a topic such as property permits.

Even for information on high value items, this can be a choir for a stakeholder to read through before making a decision to move forward. Though people may need or be interested in the information, they may just bounce off a web page from the hassle of finding the specific details they’re looking for.

With recent innovations in technology, we can assume their may be more efficient manners for stakeholders to digest and comprehend information regarding developments, for before or after they have been constructed.

The following outlines the benefits of conveying large amounts of complex information integrated into an online 3D visualisation of a physical area, to function as both a marketing and information tool.

North Grampian Shire Council's residential property permit visualiser


Instead of users having to shift through multiple web pages, clicking on links of text squashed in a website navigation bar relating to a physical structure or item they need to imagine, rendering them in their minds; Allow stakeholders to interact with content by clicking on annotations positioned directily on the digital rendered structures they relate to, all within in an interactive 3D visualiser.

Annotations positioned on 3D digital representations which users can rotate and explore, offer several advantages over navigating through traditional website pages:

  1. Enhanced Interactivity: Annotations allow users to interact directly with a 3D digital representation of a structure. They can click on specific elements to get more information, which can be more engaging than static website pages.

  2. Contextual Information: Users can see relevant information in the context of the digital representation itself. For example, clicking on a part of a property might show detailed specs or historical data, which is more intuitive than navigating through multiple pages.

  3. Improved User Experience: Navigating a digital representation with annotations can be more intuitive and immersive. It helps users to visually understand the space or object, rather than reading text on separate pages.

  4. Reduced Navigation Time: Annotations can provide all necessary information without the need to click through various pages. This can speed up the process of finding information, making it more efficient for users.

  5. Visual Appeal: 3D visualisers with annotations can be more visually appealing and engaging than text-heavy pages. This can keep users more interested and invested in exploring the content.

  6. Real-Time Interaction: Annotations can offer real-time interaction, allowing users to see changes or additional details dynamically as they interact with the 3D model.

  7. Integration of Multimedia: Annotations can include multimedia elements like images, videos, or audio, which can enhance the depth of information provided compared to traditional text-based pages.

  8. Better Retention: Visual and interactive elements like annotations can help users retain information better compared to reading through text on multiple pages.

  9. Customisable User Experience: Annotations can be tailored to highlight specific features or details according to the user’s needs, providing a personalised experience.

Overall, annotations in an interactive 3D visualiser can offer a more interactive, engaging, and efficient way for users to access and understand a vast amount of complex information compared to traditional website navigation.

North Grampian Shire Council's commercial property permit visualiser

Isn’t this just another property render? What benefits does this have for making or accelerating large conversions?

In the context of property visualisation, using annotations to reveal relevant content within interactive 3D visualisers, instead of static property rendered images or videos within pages of text, are particularly powerful for making large conversions due to the following reasons:

  1. Detailed Insight: Annotations allow prospective buyers, developers, or investors to access detailed information about specific aspects of a property at their own pace. For example, they can see information about materials, dimensions, or design features directly on the digital representation. This level of detail helps potential clients make more informed decisions, increasing the likelihood of a sale or investment.

  2. Enhanced Visualisation: Property visualisation is all about helping clients envision the space and its potential. Other than users being able to rotate and interact with a digital representation of a structure, annotations can highlight key features, such as layout options, renovation possibilities, or environmental benefits. This enhanced visualisation can help clients see the value of the property more clearly, making them more likely to commit.

  3. Accelerated Decision-Making: By providing all necessary information in an interactive format, annotations help speed up the decision-making process. Prospective clients can get answers to their questions without having to navigate through multiple pages or wait for additional information, leading to faster conversions.

  4. Increased Engagement: Interactive features, such as clickable annotations, keep users engaged longer. In property sales, this engagement is crucial as it keeps potential buyers interested in exploring more details about the property, increasing their chances of making a purchase.

  5. Clear Communication: Annotations allow for precise communication of complex information. For example, if there are specific zoning details or planning permissions related to a property, these can be annotated directly on the 3D digital representation. This clarity can reduce misunderstandings and build trust with potential clients.

  6. Customisation and Personalisation: Annotations can be tailored to showcase specific aspects that are most relevant to different target audiences, such as investors, developers, or end-users. This customisation helps address the unique needs and interests of each group, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

  7. Enhanced Trust and Credibility: Providing comprehensive and easily accessible information through annotations can enhance the credibility of your property offering. When potential clients feel well-informed and confident about the property, they are more likely to move forward with a purchase or investment.

  8. Efficient Follow-Up: For sales teams, having detailed annotations means they can address specific questions or interests that were highlighted during the interactive 3D visualisation. This targeted follow-up can be more effective in converting leads into sales.

By leveraging these benefits, annotations in 3D visualisers can significantly impact the effectiveness of property visualisation efforts, driving higher engagement, faster decision-making, and ultimately leading to larger conversions.

North Grampian Shire Council's farming property permit visualiser

Are there any convincing statistics regarding this?

Interactive Content Statistics

Below are statistics from which validates the benefit of providing interactive content for stake holders:

Interactive content:

  • Generates 2X more engagement than static content
  • 5x more views than static content
  • 51% of b2b buyers say interactive content is helpful when tackling business challenges
  • 77% of marketers agree that interactive content results in repeat visitors and multiple exposures.

Customer Experience Statistics

Since 3D property visualisers with interactive content can improve engagement by such an extent, it may be useful to understand the importance of customer experience in current online business, as providing efficient manner of comprehending properties and their information would be enhancing CX: has a customer experience statistics report, which reveals how important customer experience is for winning new clients. It's become even more of a priority than the quality of the product or service a business delivers.

1,920 business say that top Priorities for businesses in the next 5 years are:

  • 45.9% - Customer Experience
  • 20.5% - Pricing
  • 33.6% - Product

The Temkin Group found that companies that earn $1 billion annually can expect to earn, on average, an additional $700 million within 3 years of investing in customer experience. SaaS companies can expect to increase revenue by $1 billion. Investing in CX initiatives has the potential to double your revenue.


Interactive 3D visualisers offer transformative benefits for property visualisation by making complex information more accessible and engaging. Through detailed annotations and immersive digital representations, stakeholders can interact with content online in a way that traditional text, static images or video simply can't match. These visualisers enhance user experience, speed up decision-making, and increase engagement, all of which contribute to more successful conversions and stronger client relationships.

The statistics underscore the impact of interactive content: it generates higher engagement, more views, and improved customer experiences. By leveraging this technology, businesses can not only convey detailed property information more effectively but also boost revenue and build lasting client loyalty.

As technology evolves at a rapid pace, one can either choose to stick to a comfort zone with older methods to achieve the same results; or update to a digital zone to achieve greater results.

Consider upgrading how you convey your property information with a 3D visualiser developed by Arvec! Try our efficient property visualiser demos at
